Friday, March 27, 2015

Money Stretching

Money is life!  Money is what makes the world go round!  If you have ever been poor you know money can make life better.  I have came from nothing and went back to nothing several times.  Not having money can and will destroy family, life, and dreams. Last time we had a really had time I learn how to make money to fill in the gaps and pay bills doing little things around the internet.  Yes, it is not easy and I worked for pennies. Pennies add up and can mean the difference from having food and not.

I was always told you get in life what you put in.  You have to work hard to have anything.  Life isn't handed to you.  You need to work for what you want, and to make your dreams come true.  No, I haven't hit my dreams yet, but I know how to survive and make it.

Here are some of my ways to make, save, and stretch your pennies:

1.  Instagc: this site was my main site to make money when money was super tight. If you join under me I send you the daily stuff so you can make over $20 a day from home.  (This value could be different for you)

2.  Opinion Outpost:  This is mainly surveys but it can add up too.

3.  Coupons:  This is more saving money but coupons can help out majorly. You have many option here and many sites online make this easier then you would think. 

4.  Don't be afraid to call your cable, phone, and internet companies to lower your bill.

5. Selling unused things from your house because your trash is someone treasure. 

So money is life and without money life is stressful, and no fun at all. Hard work pays off!!!!

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